Hi List,

quick general question:

if I have a StaffGroup, like this in my score:
\new StaffGroup = "Staff_soloists"
      \new Staff = "Staff_oboe_solo" <<
          \global \exTwoOboeMusic
      \new Staff = "Staff_guitar_solo" <<
        \global \exTwoGuitarMusic
      \new StaffGroup = "Staff_percussion_solo" \with {
        systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartSquare
        instrumentName = #"Perc. Solo"
        shortInstrumentName = #"S.Prc."
        \new Staff = "percSoloOneUpper" <<
          \global \exTwoPercSoloOneMusicUpper
        \new Staff = "percSoloOneLower" <<
          \global \exTwoPercSoloOneMusicLower

       \new Staff = "exTwoCbsSolo" <<
          \global \exTwoBassSoloMusic
Is there a way to put the group InstrumentName for that whole group, but
rotated 90°? This is something that would be useful, for example, in a
piece for orchestra with both chorus and soloists, or a concerto with more
than one soloist (in this case, these are four soloists within a larger
ensemble. The content is in a separate file, triggered by the variables,
and \global defining Staff settings).

What I would like would be for the toplevel StaffGroup "Staff_soloists" to
have a name, rotated 90° and extending to the left of the individual
instrument names. Is there any way to do that?


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