Am Sa., 19. Jan. 2019 um 02:40 Uhr schrieb Mark Probert <>:
> Hi, again.
> I'm getting out of my depth here but is it possible
> to set lyrics to mensural ligatures? I can't seem to
> get the following to work.

You define
verba = \lyricmode { 4 2 4  4 2  4 4 }
i.e. naked durations in lyricmode.
This comes out as note-events, see:
\void \displayMusic \verba

Put in the text you wish.

> Also, following the example [1] I don't seem to be
> able to get the ligature-flexa to work (2.19.82/OSX).
> I've tried quite a few flexa-widths but nothing seems
> to work...
> TIA  .. mark.
> [1]
> ---
> chant = \relative c { \clef bass
>     \set Score.timing = ##f
>     \set Score.defaultBarType = "-"
>     \[ c\maxima b\longa a\maxima \]
>     \[ c\maxima
>        \override NoteHead.ligature-flexa = ##t
>        \once \override NoteHead.flexa-width = #10
>        f,\longa \]
>     \[ c'\maxima a\maxima \]
> }
> verba = \lyricmode { 4 2 4  4 2  4 4 }
> \score {
>   \new Staff <<
>     \new Voice  = "melody" \chant
>     \new Lyrics = "one"   \lyricsto melody \verba
>   >>
>   \layout {
>     \context { \Staff
>        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
>        \override = #'baroque
>     }
>     \context { \Voice
>         \remove "Ligature_bracket_engraver"
>         \consists "Mensural_ligature_engraver"
>     }
>   }
> }
> ---

In there's the comment about "ligature-flexa"
            flexa requested, check whether allowed:
            - there should be a previous note
            - both of the notes must be of brevis shape
              (i.e. can't be maxima or flexa;
              longa is forbidden as well - it's nonexistent anyway)
            - no compulsory flexa for the next note,
              i.e. it's not an ultimate descending breve

Strictly following it, the second one below shouldn't be possible:

chant = \relative c {
  \clef bass
  \set Score.timing = ##f
  \set Score.defaultBarType = "-"

  \[ c\breve
     \override NoteHead.ligature-flexa = ##t
     \once \override NoteHead.flexa-width = #30
     \once \override NoteHead.color = #red
     f,\breve \]
  \[ c'\longa
     \override NoteHead.ligature-flexa = ##t
     \once \override NoteHead.flexa-width = #30
     \once \override NoteHead.color = #red
     f,\breve \]

\score {
  \new Voice  = "melody" \chant
  \layout {
    \context { \Staff
       \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
       \override = #'baroque
    \context { \Voice
        \remove "Ligature_bracket_engraver"
        \consists "Mensural_ligature_engraver"

But I'm running out of my depth for both, ancient music (what may
occur and what not) and cc-knowledge.

Maybe others may be of more help.


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