Aaron Hill wrote
> On 2019-01-16 2:04 pm, Reggie wrote:
>> Please can you help me? I cannot move just ONE staff in a system, it's
>> moving THE system as a unit which is wrong. I am so sad. What did I 
>> break?
>> How difficult is it to just move ONE staff without moving anything else 
>> in
>> the score pages? I just want to learn how to adjust the middle staff 
>> not
>> system as example here.
> Wow... no wonder you're having trouble.  I just tried to work through 
> the relevant section of the documentation [1] and found that it largely 
> does not work as stated.  Well, to be more specific, I could get some 
> partial results using 2.18.2 via lilybin.com, however my local copy of 
> 2.19.82 fails to render the examples as documented.  There are 
> definitely some bugs here that need to be addressed, but let us move 
> that discussion to another thread.
> [1]: 
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/explicit-staff-and-system-positioning
> Getting back to your issue at hand, there are some options.  Firstly, 
> the property (and only property) you want to control is 
> alignment-distances.  That one appears to be the only one that can 
> reliably apply to an individual staff within a system.  Consider the 
> following:
> %%%%
> \version "2.19.82"
> \layout { indent = 0 }
> <<
>    \new Staff \repeat unfold 6 b'1
>    \new Lyrics \repeat unfold 3 \lyricmode
>      { Lo4 -- rem ip -- sum do8 -- lor sit a -- met2 }
>    \new Staff <<
>      \new Voice {
>        s1*2 \break
>        \overrideProperty 
> Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-system-details
>          #'((alignment-distances . (5 15)))
>        s1*2 \break
>        s1*2 \break
>      }
>      \new Voice \repeat unfold 24 b'4
>    >>
>    \new Staff \repeat unfold 12 b'2
> %%%%
> This example will look odd but it is to show a critical point.  When 
> setting the alignment-distances, you must be careful with the values you 
> use.  Too small of a value will result in overlapping as can be seen.  
> It is important to note that non-staff lines such as lyrics do not count 
> here.  The distance you are specifying is relative to the prior staff.
> Because of that, I would consider the approach above rather fragile.  It 
> may end up working for you, but be aware that it will take continued 
> maintenance when other aspects of the music change.  As such, here is 
> another option to consider:
> %%%%
> \version "2.19.82"
> \layout { indent = 0 }
> verticalSpacer = -\markup \with-color #red \draw-line #'(0 . 8)
> <<
>    \new Staff \repeat unfold 6 b'1
>    \new Lyrics \repeat unfold 3 \lyricmode
>      { Lo4 -- rem ip -- sum do8 -- lor sit a -- met2 }
>    \new Staff <<
>      \new Voice {
>        s1*2 \break
>        s1*2_\verticalSpacer \break
>        s1*2 \break
>      }
>      \new Voice \repeat unfold 24 b'4
>    >>
>    \new Staff \repeat unfold 12 b'2
> %%%%
> All we are doing here is using some dummy markup to create a placeholder 
> object to force LilyPond to space things how we want.  Note that I 
> colored the object red so it would be more clear where the placeholder 
> object is.  This would be a good idea while you are working on the 
> piece, but for the final version you would replace "\with-color #red" 
> with "\transparent".
> The advantage of a placeholder is that all of the elements of the score 
> still remain relative to each other.  Should changes to the music cause 
> it to reflow, you have less work to do to maintain desired spacing.  I 
> also think this technique gives you more control.
> -- Aaron Hill
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> spacing.ex1.png (107K)
> &lt;http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/attachment/218899/0/spacing.ex1.png&gt;
> spacing.ex2.png (109K)
> &lt;http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/attachment/218899/1/spacing.ex2.png&gt;

Thank you for seeing what I mean. I felt so stupid reading it like I was
crazy. I understand your idea about the redline markup however I have few
questions please.

First, are you saying that every time I want to manually adjust one staff in
a system in one instance I must create a new voice just to hack this? Like
you did? What about my original code itself used? Second, you mention that
it's relative from PRIOR staff right? What if I want to move the top staff
of a system up or down only for example as such? 

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