-----Original Message-----
From: Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>
To: da...@aeolia.co.uk
CC: Lilypond-User Mailing List <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Subject: Re: Altering page numbers
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2019 10:38:55 -0500

Hi David,

> Judging from all the searching I have done I think that the answer to
> the following question is "no": is there a way to override automatic
> page-numbering after the first page?

In the last fifteen years, I’ve learned never to bet against
Lilypond…  ;)

> I have several pages of introductory and performance notes in the
> score
> I am currently working on, followed by about 150 pages of score.  I
> should like to have the pages before the actual score numbered in
> lower
> case Roman numerals, followed by the score pages numbered in Arabic
> numerals starting at 1.  But I cannot find any way to do this.

Just in case you’re interested in my [not-just-Lilypond] workflow: I
find it easiest, best, and superior (in terms of output) to build the
front matter and end matter in LaTeX (with its own page numbering), and
then simply insert the Lilypond score (with its own page numbering) as
a PDF at the correct spot.

> Is there any way of achieving the result I want whilst keeping the
> whole book in one actual \book block and hence one output file?

Use multiple bookpart sections?  =)


Well, I tried that, but adding
  \paper { first-page-number = #1 }
inside or just before a \bookpart doesn't work.


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