On 2019-01-10 21:19, Павел Буданов wrote:
Hello everybody!
This case is usually used: we are instancing staffs, voices and putting notes into them. This is simply example:
\new GrandStaff <<
 \new Staff \rightHand
  \new Staff \leftHand
But I want to organizate the piece in other case. For example, I want to engrave any rondo. In first, I will instancing staff structure and write initialing:
\new GrandStaff <<
  \new Staff { \key c \minor ... }
 \new Staff { \clef bass \key c \minor ... }
Then I declare the variables with music:
refren = <<
\relative c'' { g8 c e es4. f8 d4. es8 c2 }
\relative { r8 r4 c8 es g c c, f g b c, }
episodeA = <<
  ... >>
episodeB = <<
  ... >>
And I will add this music to score block:
\refren \bar "||" \episodeA \refren \episodeB
Is this case possible? If so, how to implement it correctly, where is the documentation written about it? Sorry for my bad english.

You probably already know this, but in addition to the answers you already have received, the simplest answer for the simplest special case, when you only have a single voice of music, is of course:

episodeA = {c d e f}

episodeB = {g f e d }

ending= {c1}

% Pasting it together:

{\episodeA \episodeB \ending}

However, as soon as you have several parallel voices/staves in each of the sections, then you either could paste each full voice together as described above, or use any of the techniques that Valentine mentioned in his reply, for example.


        Mats Bengtsson, Prof.
        Information Science and Engineering
        School of Electrical Engin. and Comp. Science
        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Email: mats.bengts...@ee.kth.se
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