On 2019-01-07 7:55 am, Reggie wrote:
Hi Aaron thank you for that help. I don't like to use indepedant meters
however since this section I believe should be cadenza for easy input.
However, I add spacer rests like you said but it makes everything way
too many repeats and breaks everything. I don't see what you mean to
Can you give one example of a pairing of spacer and r1* to move one
barline successfully? Many thanks. My error image. error.png
The article I linked covers more than just meter, specifically it covers
how to have independent bar lines. You need to follow it to ensure that
your bar lines do not "bleed" into the other staves.
See the following:
\version "2.19.82"
\paper { ragged-right = ##f }
\layout {
\context { \Score
\remove "Timing_translator"
\remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"
\context { \Staff
\consists "Timing_translator"
\consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"
<< \new Staff \relative c'' {
r1*5/4\fermata \bar ".|:"
< d e f >1\> r1\!\fermata \bar ":|."
s1*3/4 \bar "||"
\new Staff \relative c'' {
r1\fermata \bar ".|:"
< d e f >1\> r1\!\fermata \bar ":|."
s1 \bar "||"
\new Staff \relative c'' {
r1*3/4\fermata \bar ".|:"
< d e f >1\> r1\!\fermata \bar ":|."
s1*5/4 \bar "||"
} >>
Regarding the spacer rests (or actual rests if you wanted them to be
printed), the beginning and ending rests must add up to the same total
across all staves. So, for the above example, we need the rests to be
equivalent to two full measures. In the first staff, scaling the
leading rest by 5/4 requires a corresponding scaling of the final
spacing rest to 3/4. The middle staff is trivial, and the final staff
is just the opposite of the first.
-- Aaron Hill
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