Am 21. Dezember 2018 19:19:21 MEZ schrieb "N. Andrew Walsh" 
>Hi Federico,
>according to release notes, Lyx has had support for lilypond-book for
>time now. See here:
>That's where it says it requires the "lilypond-book→(pdf)latex"
>which my Lyx says it can't find.
>Any advice? Are there any Lyx users who got this working?

Why do you want this? Is there any specific reason not to use lualatex? I know 
you already run lyluatex in the Kayser project.

If it is about existing documents: these *should* readily compile with lyluatex 
that provides a superset of lilypond-boom syntax.


>On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 7:14 PM Federico Bruni <>
>> Il giorno ven 21 dic 2018 alle 11:24, "N. Andrew Walsh"
>> <> ha scritto:
>> > Hi List,
>> >
>> > dumb question: I'm trying to integrate lilypond into my Lyx
>> > and while it has the lilypond-book module, it says it can't find
>> > "lilypond-book→(pdf)latex" package. Where do I find this package?
>> >
>> > I have lilypond installed in its own subdirectory, as well as my
>> > texlive installation in another one (so neither are the system
>> > packages from my distribution's repo). I'm using gentoo Linux.
>> >
>> Hi Andrew
>> lilypond-book is a preprocessor and I don't think you can use it in
>> (I have zero experience with Lyx though).
>> Why don't you try lyluatex?
>> Then you can process your .tex file directly using lualatex and I
>> this will play well with Lyx.

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