> Good Afternoon,
> I started using lilypond a couple of months ago but soon had to abandon it 
> because of its weak figured bass support. I've been following the 
> developments for a while in hope that the support for figured bass would be 
> strengthened. At this stage I have seen no sign of this. Is it ever going to 
> be improved? The rest of the program is excellent especially for the support 
> of "ancient" notation, but with the lack of figured bass support it is 
> severely let down when using older notations.
> Any comments / hints of further development appreciated.


I'd enjoy beefing up the Figured Bass support, if you are willing to
provide some money to cover for the development costs.

I assume that you're still looking for things you proposed in



 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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