> In lilypond, is there the ability to get symbols that are common in
> jazz notation such as drops, falls, doits, bends, squeezes, turns, and
> shakes?
> For examples:
> http://bands.army.mil/masterclass/tusafb/dec2000/jazz.htm
> In the articulations section of the lily manual I only see classical
> music notation. The closest I can think of is the glissando, but in
> jazz that symbol sometimes is often tied to only one note, either
> leading to or from, and I would like to get that effect as well.
> What I really need are the bends and falls, and gliss markings that
> are more flexible.
> I would really like to use Lilypond, but I may have to go back to
> Finale if this not work out :(
> Any suggestions? Will these markings be made available?


I would gladly add any kind of articulation you like, if you are
willing to donate some cash (paypal to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to cover for
the development costs.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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