Hi Aaron,

WOW! Thanks for this. So interesting.

Recall that earlier in the thread, I said "Bonus points if [the fix] handles 
lowercase numerals"?  ;)

Here’s a screenshot from the actual score I’m trying to engrave, with your 
function in place (minus the text duplication):

Notice that the triangles of each figure are as hoped/expected… but the *actual 
baseline of the glyph* is not being honoured consistently across the various 
numbers: where the numerals descend (e.g., 7 and 5), everything is shifted, 
including the caret’s [apparent] "padding".

What can be done about this? I’ve been struggling with this kind of thing for 
years, with every imaginable kind of text in Lilypond: Fingering, TextScript, 
RehearsalMark, MetronomeMark, etc. etc. etc.

I keep getting shown — as you’ve done so fabulously here — that Lilypond "*is* 
using the baseline as expected"; and as a programmer, I suppose I must concede 
the point. But as an end-user, it isn’t doing what I expect/want it to do: in 
the above example, I want the *baseline aligned*, so that the carets are 
aligned (though the visible bottom of the numerals will not necessarily be).

I assume the padding is using the lower edge of the glyph outline (i.e., the 
blue box) to align; and that perfectly matches the output as seen. What I 
*want* is the ability to set text/markup padding to the *baseline*. It doesn’t 
ever seem to be possible, which forces a lot of manual effort (i.e., 
extra-offset for every item in which the baseline and glyph bottom edge do not 

Does Lilypond not know where the baseline is exactly? That is, is this graphic 
function you’ve created using properties of the glyph that can’t be used 
automagically by Lilypond?

If Lilypond could line up baselines consistently, it would save me *SO* much 
tweak time. And if I’m still not understanding something about how text 
alignment works in Lilypond — that is, if it *can* do what I’m asking, and I’m 
just not finding the correct incantations — then I pity any users without my 
[deep] experience and [slightly less deep] technical know-how, since they can’t 
possibly be achieving what they want except perhaps by blind luck.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info/>
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info <mailto:i...@kierenmacmillan.info>

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