-----Original Message-----
From: Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>
To: David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>
CC: Lilypond-User Mailing List <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Subject: Re: controlling the tie "gap" [and a possible bug?]
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 17:11:17 -0500

Hi David,
> No, it doesn't.  The image shows the same kind of symptomas the
> code does but is clearly from different code.

Hmmm… I just compiled it again, and it gave the same thing. Here’s a
screenshot from Frescobaldi with the code on the left and compiled
image on the right:

What am I saying that’s incorrect?

> > 1. Is the crossing of the ties a bug?
> Those are not ties but slurs.

Oops! Yes, sorry — I meant slurs.

> > 2. Regardless, is there a way I can make all ties to begin a little
> > bit further to the right and end a little further to the left of
> > the
> > centre of each notehead, so there is a gap between consecutive
> > ties?
> Probably tweaking Slur.details will do it

It’s definitely been a long day (week? month??), and I’m currently ill
(strep throat)… I’ve been tweaking Tie.details to [obviously] no avail.
Will report back soon.

In the meantime, sorry for the noise.


This probably isn't helpful, but here are my thoughts on the subject.

I can't see that it this can really be regarded as a bug.  Ending one
slur and beginning another on the same note is not normal usage - in
fact, I don't really know what it is supposed to mean.  How does this
meaning differ from having a single slur over all 5 notes?  Will the
meaning be clear to whoever has to play the music?

In the normal case one wants slur to go at least to the vertical centre
of the notehead, probably a little further, and this is what Lilypond
does.  For a specialized case such as the example shown, the slurs can
of course be tweaked.


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