Jan-Peter Voigt wrote
> Hi all,
> just a few hours away ... ;-)
> Kieren already mentioned, the edition engraver is an external library.
> It is part of my own toolchain, but once made its way into public,
> because it fitted a question/a use case of Kieren. So I started to make
> it available. Now there came Urs' OpenLilyLib infrastructure into the
> arena to provide a standard API to add and load modules to the LilyPond
> toolchain.
> Let me explain shortly what and why the EE is:
> There where several cases where I needed a full score and parts for
> instruments and choir. During a smaller first project I thought, it is
> quite messy to tag overrides and breaks for every different target (full
> score, part). In frescobaldi one can easily jump to the code of a single
> element and than add the desired override, but I wished for a tool to
> write down "in measure X at moment Y" I need to shape a slur or add a
> line-break or whatever. In fact I was sitting with a printout marking
> elements to tweak. Now paper doesn't do point-and-click ...
> Right now my time does not allow for writing down an adequate elaborate
> documentation, but I try to jump in if there are questions.
> And of course I am very thankful for the text Stefano Troncaro wrote
> down!
> (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2018-01/msg00603.html)
> Thank you for bringing this up again - I have to admit that I lost the
> track to place store into the Wiki of the GitHub-page.
> The EE uses two coordinates to identify when and where to tweak
> something. First there is the time noted with measure and moment. The
> second part identifies the context, where the tweak is to be applied.
> Every modification is marked with an edition-tag to separate different
> targets.
> \version "2.19.82"
> % load OpenLilyLib
> \include "oll-core/package.ily"
> % load edition-engraver package
> \loadPackage edition-engraver
> % activate a target/edition "test" - this might also be "fullscore" or
> "violinI" or whatever
> \addEdition test
> % add an override in measure 1 at the second quarter (it counts from
> zero, so it is 1 quarters to move from the beginning of measure 2)
> % apply the override to the second Voice context with edition-id
> 'sing.with.bach.along'
> \editionMod test 1 1/4 sing.with.bach.along.Voice.B \once \override
> NoteHead.color = #red
> % add/consist the edition-engraver to the desired Context-types
> \consistToContexts #edition-engraver Score.Staff.Voice
> % create a Staff with an editionID
> \new Staff \with {\editionID ##f sing.with.bach.along }
> << { bes'4 a' c'' b' } \\ { es'4 e' f' fis' } >>
> I can't speak for the average user because I made it the way *I* think
> about all this stuff.
> And yes, there is absolutely need for documentation.
> @Marten: I think if you understand the basic concept and got familiar
> with the commands it can be useful even for small scores like Urs
> already wrote. Of course I am used to using the EE so my opinion is
> biased, but I think it is useful for a lot of (not all) tasks.
> Jan-Peter
> Am 13.11.18 um 08:30 schrieb 

> m.tarenskeen@

> :
>> Hi,
>> I, like the original poster, was also intrigued, by people's
>> enthusiastic comments about the power of OpenLilyLib and the Edition
>> Engraver. And like the O.P. I never really got started.
>> I guess the question is: How complex a LilyPonds score has to be
>> before EE really starts making things easier instead of just adding
>> more difficulties?
>> MT
>> Verzonden vanaf mijn Huawei mobiele telefoon
>> -------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------
>> Onderwerp: Re: Edition Engraver in 2.19
>> Van: Kieren MacMillan
>> Aan: Reggie
>> Cc: Lilypond-User Mailing List
>>     Hi Reggie,
>>     > is that all the documentation for such a powerful tweak tool in
>>     lilyPond?
>>     Yes, unfortunately.
>>     And, to be accurate, it’s not "in" Lilypond — it’s a separate
>> library.
>>     > How do new users learn this tool and all its possibilites?
>>     I learned by looking at the examples, trial and error, and asking
>>     Jan-Peter (the author) every now and then. =)
>>     Cheers,
>>     Kieren.
>>     ________________________________
>>     Kieren MacMillan, composer
>>     ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
>>     ‣ email: 

> info@

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\loadPackage edition-engraver always fails. I give up. I downloaded and
tried to install and cannot get anything to work. How do you install
engraver from stage one? https://github.com/openlilylib/edition-engraver I
followed the github wiki but nothing.

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