From recent thread:


I was following the LilyPond community for quite a while before realizing that financially supporting developers was a thing. The most obvious pages on the website, "Sponsoring" and "Help us" say nothing about it:


Lots of other websites have a "tip jar" for the site operator. How about putting up some PayPal.Me links...


...for David Kastrup, Urs Liska, or other major contributors? Assuming the contributors are open to the idea, and it fits with the way the contributor and the community see their role in the project.

I guess project-level donations would also be possible, but then there's the whole issue of managing the funds, and maybe non-profit organization compliance if using GNU's donation systems. Giving directly to contributors seems simpler.

I'm thinking such website changes would go through code review just like anything else, giving the LilyPond community a chance to discuss what contributors would get listed for financial support.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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