Am So., 4. Nov. 2018 um 16:38 Uhr schrieb pablocordal <>: > > Hi Urs and Torsten, > > This snippet is exactly what I need. I'm trying to test it, but when I copy > your code in Frescobaldi (which uses Lilypond underneath) and try to compile > it I receive this error: > > error: syntax error, unexpected LYRIC_ELEMENT > \markup "hin." > > I don't know much about Lilypond code, so please can you please help me just > to make it work? > > Thank you. Best regards
You likely use 2.18.2 With this version the possibility to use optional arguments is limited and does not work for the current coding. Please consider to upgrade to 2.19.82. If you want to stay with 2.18 some adjustments in the function are needed, also, the function must be called with _two_ arguments: the padding-value and the markup-text. \version "2.18.2" annotatedSlur = #(define-music-function (parser location padding text) (number? markup?) #{ \once \override Slur.after-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob) (let* ((stencil (ly:slur::print grob)) (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction)) (markup-stencil (grob-interpret-markup grob text)) (shift (- (interval-center (ly:stencil-extent stencil X)) (interval-center (ly:stencil-extent markup-stencil X)))) (new-stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil Y dir (ly:stencil-translate-axis markup-stencil shift X) padding))) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil new-stencil))) #}) { \annotatedSlur %\markup \score { c''' } #1 \markup "hin." c''4( g' g' c'' ) } HTH, Harm _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list