Am Mi., 31. Okt. 2018 um 18:11 Uhr schrieb joelhamme <>: > > My fellow singers in choir have been asking me to improve the visual chunking > of choir staves. They wanted to have closed bar lines on the right edge of > each choir staff. > > Adding the `Span_bar_engraver` to `ChoirStaff` adds a lot of clutter and > results in collisions with the lyrics, which is particularly unappealing > with thick repeat bars. This can be quickly fixed by adding `Bar_engraver` > to `Lyrics` and hiding them as described in ^[notation lyrics]. > > However, for aesthetical reasons I prefer removing all span bars, except > non-defaults and single bar bars at the end of each line. So this would > leave all repeats and double bar lines but no single bars unless there's a > line break, much like ^[semi choir staff snippet] > > I've found a way to do this, except that there's some spacing issue with the > lyrics at single bars that aren't even shown. In choir staves, lyrics can > move below a bar line to take up the available space, which leaves a more > pleasing appearance and saves space on the page. Sadly, I could either make > the lyrics avoid all bar lines or not at all, but not only the ones that are > actually shown. > > To the point: > I would like to make the lyrics avoid some span bars while not avoiding the > bar lines I've omitted using a call back. > > To illustrate I've compiled a somewhat minimal example using long words to > trigger some collisions. For convenience I've also uploaded it to > ^[lilybin]. > > <> > > ```lilypond > \version "2.18.2" > > link = { > \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT > \mark \markup \normalsize { > \with-url #"" "" > } > } > > redspn = \once \override Score.SpanBar.color = #red > grnbar = \once \override Score.BarLine.color = #green > > notes = { > \link > c1 \redspn | \repeat volta 2 { c | c \grnbar | c } | c | c | c \bar "|." > } > > words = \lyricmode { > Breathes | \markup { \with-color #red breathes } | > br | \markup { \with-color #green breathes } | > breathes | br | breathes | > } > > \score { > \new ChoirStaff << > \new Staff \relative c'' \notes \addlyrics \words > \new Staff \relative c'' \notes > >> > > \layout { > indent = 0 > \context { \ChoirStaff > \consists "Span_bar_engraver" > \override BarLine.after-line-breaking = > #(lambda (grob) > (if > (and (= 0 (ly:item-break-dir grob)) > (string=? (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name) "|") ) > (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'allow-span-bar #f))) > } > > % \context { \Lyrics > % \consists "Bar_engraver" > % \hide BarLine > % \override BarLine.after-line-breaking = > % #(lambda (grob) > % (if > % (and (= 0 (ly:item-break-dir grob))) > % (string=? (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name) "|") > % (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil #f)) > % ) > % } > } > } > ``` > > The red colour indicates an unacceptable collision, whereas the green colour > indicates the desired loose spacing under bars that are not spanned across > staves. The commented-out section removes the relevant bar line stencils > from the lyrics, but fails to loosen the spacing where there are no longer > any bars to avoid. > > Can I conditionally add bar lines to lyrics without otherwise affecting > their spacing? > > Sorry this got so long, any help would be much appreciated. > > Cheers, > Joel > > [notation lyrics]: > > [semi choir staff snippet]: > [lilybin]:
How about: \version "2.18.2" %% srfi-1 is not present inside \layout (needed for 'every') %% Thus defined at toplevel #(define set-extra-spacing-height-for-span-bars (lambda (grob) (let* ((pap-col (ly:item-get-column grob)) (nmpc (ly:grob-object pap-col 'left-neighbor)) (nmpc-elts-array (ly:grob-object nmpc 'elements)) (nmpc-elts-ls (if (ly:grob-array? nmpc-elts-array) (ly:grob-array->list nmpc-elts-array) '())) (sp-bl (filter (lambda (g) (grob::has-interface g 'span-bar-interface)) nmpc-elts-ls)) (sp-bl-glyphs (map (lambda (g) (ly:grob-property g 'glyph-name)) sp-bl))) (if (every (lambda (gl) (not (string=? "|" gl))) sp-bl-glyphs) '(-inf.0 . +inf.0) '(0 . 0))))) link = { \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \mark \markup \normalsize { \with-url #"" "" } } redspn = \once \override Score.SpanBar.color = #red grnbar = \once \override Score.BarLine.color = #green notes = { \link c1 \redspn | \repeat volta 2 { c | c \grnbar | c } | c | c | c \bar "|." } words = \lyricmode { Breathes | \markup { \with-color #red breathes } | br | \markup { \with-color #green breathes } | breathes | br | breathes | } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff \relative c'' \notes \addlyrics \words \new Staff \relative c'' \notes >> \layout { indent = 0 \context { \ChoirStaff \consists "Span_bar_engraver" \override BarLine.allow-span-bar = #(lambda (grob) (if (or (= -1 (ly:item-break-dir grob)) (not (string=? (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name) "|"))) #t #f)) } \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText.extra-spacing-height = #set-extra-spacing-height-for-span-bars } } } Cheers, Harm _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list