Am So., 28. Okt. 2018 um 17:56 Uhr schrieb Kieren MacMillan
> Hi Harm,
> >    \override BarNumber.after-line-breaking = #'()
> Whoa… What exactly does that do? It seems like a nuclear option!
> I’ll be sure to give it a try the next time I run into the issue (which 
> should be very soon, since it happens so frequently).

Both, RehearsalMark and BarNumber have their 'after-line-breaking set
to the procedure ly:side-position-interface::move-to-extremal-staff,
defined in
Setting BarNumber.after-line-breaking to an empty list disables it.

I had the suspicion nobody expected a user would move Mark_engraver
without moving Bar_number_engraver as well. So there might be some
bleed over.
So far my suspicion. Then I simply did some experiments ;)

Tbh, after disabling
ly:side-position-interface::move-to-extremal-staff for BarNumber my
expectation was BarNumber would be printed somewhere in the middle of
So I recommend thorough testing before using this for serious work.

Anyway, I'd call current behaviour a bug.

In 2.21.0 we will have
issue 2199 Mark_engraver in StaffGroup misplaces marks at top of Score
Though, it's limited to StaffGroup anyway...


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