Am Fr., 26. Okt. 2018 um 18:26 Uhr schrieb David Sumbler <>:
> Below I have shown a compile-able 93 lines (sorry it can't be made much
> shorter) from the files for a much longer piece.
> In this particular passage the harpsichord plays 4 bars in strict tempo
> whilst the flute plays 4 bars rubato.  (The 2 lines do not fit and are
> meant to sound terrible together!)
> After much effort I have managed to get a layout in the score which
> mimics the original manuscript, but there is one problem I cannot
> solve.  Although these 4 bars can just about be made to fit on to one
> line, there actually needs to be a page break at some point.  This is
> because there is a narrator who has a short speech during the pause at
> the end of the extract.  This will require an inch or two of horizontal
> space, and the 4 bars in question will then be too compressed.  The
> page break should come at the end of one of the harpsichord's bars,
> which correspond to the bars in the rest of the orchestra.  (I have
> only included 1 violin line here; none of the other instruments play
> during the 4 bars in question.)
> Unfortunately, every time I ask for a \break Lilypond gives me the
> dreaded
> "warning: forced break was overridden by some other event, should you
> be using bar checks?"
> I have looked at the Lilypond Snippet "Printing music with different
> time signatures [0.35714]" as well as another relevant snippet, and
> have compiled it successfully.  The line break works as expected.  Yet
> my code produces the warning and refuses to make a line break.
> What have I missed?
> David
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.81"
> \language "english"
> #(set-global-staff-size 16)
> gliss = \markup { \larger \italic "gliss." }
> FifteenFlute = {
>   <<
>     { \relative {
>       R1 | R1\fermataMarkup |
>         \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
>         \time 25/16
>         \scaleDurations 8/4 { bf''8[(\mf a16]) r }
>         \scaleDurations 7/4 { bf8[( a16]) r }
>         \scaleDurations 6/4 { bf8[( a16]) r }
>         bf8[( a16]) r
>         \time 4/4
>         \tuplet 5/4 { bf8( c df ef e } fs2
>         \time 7/8
>         \scaleDurations 7/8 { e4 ds cs bs) }
>         \time 9/16
>         R1*9/16\fermataMarkup
>         \time 4/4
>     } }
>   >>
> }
> ScoreFifteenFirstViolinA = {
>   <<
>     { \relative {
>       d'8(\p\>\glissando^\gliss g)\! r4
>       \override DynamicText.X-offset = #-2
>       g8(\mp\>\glissando^\gliss b)\! r4 |
>       b8(\mf\>\glissando^\gliss d)\! r4
>       \revert DynamicText.X-offset
>       d8(\f\>\glissando^\gliss e)\! r4\fermata |
>       R1*3 | R1\fermataMarkup |
>     } }
>   >>
> }
> FifteenHarpsUpper = {
>   <<
>     { \relative {
>       R1 | R1\fermataMarkup |
>       \key a \major
>       a''16\mf \repeat unfold 9 { gs a } b bs cs d ds e cs a e cs e gs a |
>       \repeat unfold 9 { b as } b cs ds e b gs e8 r \acciaccatura ds' e 
> r\fermata |
>     } }
>   >>
> }
> FifteenHarpsLower = {
>   <<
>     \clef bass
>     { \relative {
>        R1 | R1\fermataMarkup |
>       \key a \major
>       \clef treble
>       \repeat unfold 4 { a16 e' cs e a e cs e } | \repeat unfold 2 { a, fs' d 
> fs a fs d fs } |
>       gs, e' d e gs e d e gs,8 r \clef bass \acciaccatura ds e r\fermata |
>      } }
>   >>
> }
> \score {
>   <<
>     \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \FifteenFlute
>     \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Harpsichord" } <<
>       \new Staff \FifteenHarpsUpper
>       \new Staff \FifteenHarpsLower >>
>     \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violins I" } 
> \ScoreFifteenFirstViolinA
>   >>
>   \layout {
>    \context { \Score
>               \remove "Timing_translator"
>               \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"
>             }
>    \context {
>      \Staff
>      \consists "Timing_translator"
>      \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"
>    }
>    \context {
>      \Voice
>      \remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"
>    }
>    indent = 26\mm
>  }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


you likely know lily breaks only at matching BarLines.
So you have to insert a \bar "" at appropriate place. Which is tricky
here, because there is _no_ appropriate place.

Well, then create one, i.e.
instead of the original event, insert same simultaneous music like
<< e { s \bar "" s } >>
and then figure out which duration the first skip must have.

Which is tricky as well. For that purpose I use:
ctxMom =
  #(lambda (ctx)
    (format #t "\nin context~a: ~a" ctx (ly:context-current-moment ctx)))

and insert \ctxMom where I wrote \break (below I've did it in
FifteenHarpsUpper) and before the second skip of the inserted
simultaneous music in FifteenFlute.
Now I can scale the duration of the first skip until both values of
\ctxMom match.

\version "2.19.81"

ctxMom =
  #(lambda (ctx)
    (format #t "\nin context~a: ~a" ctx (ly:context-current-moment ctx)))

\language "english"

#(set-global-staff-size 16)

gliss = \markup { \larger \italic "gliss." }

FifteenFlute = {
    { \relative {
      R1 | R1\fermataMarkup |
        \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
        \time 25/16
        \scaleDurations 8/4 { bf''8[(\mf a16]) r }
        \scaleDurations 7/4 { bf8[( a16]) r }
        \scaleDurations 6/4 { bf8[( a16]) r }
        bf8[( a16]) r
        \time 4/4
        \tuplet 5/4 {
          bf8( c df ef
          << e { s1*15/320 \bar "" \ctxMom s } >>
        \time 7/8
        \scaleDurations 7/8 { e4 ds cs bs) }
        \time 9/16
        \time 4/4
    } }

ScoreFifteenFirstViolinA = {
    { \relative {
      d'8(\p\>\glissando^\gliss g)\! r4
      \override DynamicText.X-offset = #-2
      g8(\mp\>\glissando^\gliss b)\! r4 |
      b8(\mf\>\glissando^\gliss d)\! r4
      \revert DynamicText.X-offset
      d8(\f\>\glissando^\gliss e)\! r4\fermata |
      R1*3 | R1\fermataMarkup |
    } }

FifteenHarpsUpper = {
    { \relative {
      R1 |
      R1\fermataMarkup |
      \key a \major
      a''16\mf \repeat unfold 9 { gs a } b bs cs d ds e cs a e cs e gs a |
      \repeat unfold 9 { b as } b cs ds e b gs e8 r \acciaccatura ds'
e r\fermata |
    } }

FifteenHarpsLower = {
    \clef bass
    { \relative {
       R1 | R1\fermataMarkup |
      \key a \major
      \clef treble
      \repeat unfold 4 { a16 e' cs e a e cs e } | \repeat unfold 2 {
a, fs' d fs a fs d fs } |
      gs, e' d e gs e d e gs,8 r \clef bass \acciaccatura ds e r\fermata |
     } }

\score {
    \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \FifteenFlute
    \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Harpsichord" } <<
      \new Staff \FifteenHarpsUpper
      \new Staff \FifteenHarpsLower >>
    \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violins I" } \ScoreFifteenFirstViolinA
  \layout {
   \context { \Score
              \remove "Timing_translator"
              \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"
   \context {
     \consists "Timing_translator"
     \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"
   \context {
     \remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"
   indent = 26\mm


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