Am Fr., 26. Okt. 2018 um 16:44 Uhr schrieb Peter Anglea <>:
> I’m trying to use the -e (--evaluate) option to define a hash, not just a 
> single variable. For instance
>         lilypond -e ‘((define myhash (make-hash-table))(hashq-set! myhash 
> ‘foo “bar”))’
> The above doesn’t work. I think, obviously, it’s breaking at the single quote 
> – ‘foo.
> I’ve tried escaping it with a backslash (\’foo) and a couple other things, 
> but nothing seems to work.
> Is it possible to run complex Scheme code in the command line option, and/or 
> am I just not escaping special characters the right way?

Well, from here it looks you used “” ‘’ -signs instead of " and '.
But even with correct ones your example will fail.

But you could do (at  least on Linux):

lilydevel -e "(begin (define myhash (make-hash-table))(hashq-set!
myhash 'foo \"bar\"))"

and in

#(use-modules (guile-user))
#(write (hashq-ref myhash 'foo))

returning "bar" as wished.

Otoh, I think the -e option is not very convenient for longer and/or
complex expressions.


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