Il giorno mer 24 ott 2018 alle ore 16:48 Davide Liessi
<> ha scritto:
> That instruction can be used only outside any variable, either in a
> \book block or outside any block (see

This was apparently wrong: despite what the manual says, that
instruction doesn't work well inside a \book block, so it is better to
use it outside any variable or block (see the recent thread

Il giorno gio 25 ott 2018 alle ore 14:53 Massimiliano Viel
<> ha scritto:
> thank you for the answer. that was exactly the problem… I just missed to get 
> myself the solution which is nevertheless very explicit in the manual. It is 
> easy for a newbie to get lost in the complications of Lilypond even in simple 
> matters.

Indeed: LilyPond has a steep learning curve, but it is very rewarding.

> And sorry for being a total newbie also in asking for help :-D I’ll do better 
> in the next time!

No need to be sorry: we all started as newbies!
This list is very welcoming both to basic and advanced questions.

Best wishes.

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