Thomas Morley <> writes:

> Am Mi., 24. Okt. 2018 um 01:07 Uhr schrieb David Kastrup <>:
>> Thomas Morley <> writes:
>> > Am Di., 23. Okt. 2018 um 23:54 Uhr schrieb David Kastrup <>:
>> >
>> >> So you should figure out what your comparison as equal is supposed to be
>> >> doing in the first place.
>> >
>> > Yep, that's the culprit.
>> >
>> > So the question is how to find the last rhythmic event of a
>> > music-expression and place <>\stopTextSpan right before it.
>> Why wouldn't you just put \stopTextSpan on it?
> The more or less single reason: because my initial posted function was
> modeled after the built-in 'endSpanners' and there it's done this way.
> Btw, in the line
>                   (music-clone m 'span-direction STOP))
> all music-properties are cloned as well.
> Makes not much sense to me. P.e. why should a tweak for
> bound-details.left.text of a TextSpanner be copied in the ending
> script?
> Right now I'm not aware of any property I would want to be copied into
> the ending script.
> Or did I overlook use-cases?
> If not why not simply use a new constructed
>           (make-event-chord
>             (list (make-music
>                     'what-ever-event
>                     'span-direction
>                     1)))
> ?

Because 'what-ever-event is not known?  It's been implemented that way
from its inception in

    commit 1cdc9680f2094525103d335d80bc3950f918ed03
    Author: Han-Wen Nienhuys <>
    Date:   Sat Feb 3 17:45:22 2007 +0100

        New music function \endSpanners.

It probably was a nuisance to fish out the actual music type name from
the music expression, so cloning was easier?

I don't really know.

David Kastrup

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