Lucas Werkmeister <> writes:

> Hi Kieren and Graham,
> thank you both for your responses. Kieren, I really like the idea in
> your suggestion – but it doesn’t seem to be a good fit for my situation:
> while the tag solution is neat, in my case the ends of the extenders
> align with different voices at different times (there are four voices in
> total), so I would probably need some adventurous combination of
> multiple tags, and it looks like this also requires me to keep both
> voices (real and null) alive for most of the score even though the
> extended notes only appear in a few places.
> In the end, I went for a variation of Graham’s suggestion instead,
> encapsulated in a music function:
> extendedNote =
> #(define-music-function
>      (parser location note)
>      (ly:music?)
>    #{
>     \afterGrace 15/16 $note { \once \hideNotes \absolute $note }
>    #})
> I needed a few iterations to work out the details ($note instead of
> #note; make the grace note \absolute to avoid it adjusting the octave a
> second time),

That would not help if the absolute pitch does not agree with what you
need there.

You didn't bother specifying a \version statement, but the afterGrace
optional argument syntax is 2.19.47, so it seems safe to use 2.19.22
parser/location non-syntax.

\version "2.19.47"

extendedNote =
#(define-music-function (note) (ly:music)
  (make-relative (note) note
  #{ \aftergrace 15/16 $note { \once \hideNotes $note } #}))

At any rate, I was late in the discussion and have no clue what this is
about, but it's quite possible that you want \single \hideNotes rather
than \once \hideNotes here in order to definitely affect only that
single note.

David Kastrup

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