Hi Urs and all,

I created a branch 'addOptionHandling' for the edition-engraver. It
contains an option 'write-log', which is true by default, but can be set
to false to prevent writing of *.edition.log files.
I'd prefer default to true, but can change it if there are reasonable
votes against it.
If someone could have a look and test it I can merge this change soon.


Am 14.10.2018 um 08:32 schrieb Urs Liska:
> Am 14. Oktober 2018 08:29:46 MESZ schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt <jp.vo...@gmx.de>:
>> Hi Craig,
>> not right now, but I will implement a switch ASAP!
> Please use the \setOption syntax for that.
>> Jan-Peter
>> Am 14. Oktober 2018 07:30:44 MESZ schrieb Craig Dabelstein
>> <craig.dabelst...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Quick question: Is it possible to stop the edition-engraver creating
>>> log
>>> files?
>>> Craig
>>> -- 
>>> *Craig Dabelstein*
>>> Maxime's Music
>>> craig.dabelst...@gmail.com
>>> *http://maximesmusic.com <http://maximesmusic.com>*

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