Thank you for this little function Lukas! It is very good and useful. Would
it be possible to add to the list the choice for "square" or "bracket"? Some
editions are using squares for grouping Violins 1-2.
Ah, do you mean an extra bracket? No problem. I also added the
possibility to skip single staffs without having to issue a pair, e.g.
#'((extraBracket . 2) skip skip (brace . 3))
would mean: connect the first 2 staves with an extra bracket, then skip
2 staves, then join the next 3 staves with a brace:
\version "2.19.82"
\layout {
indent = 35
#(define (make-n-copies x n)
(if (> n 0)
(cons x (make-n-copies x (- n 1)))
#(define (make-delimiter-hierarchy group-list)
; expects a list of pairs of the form (symbol . number) where
; symbol is either brace, noBrace or extraBracket
; number is the number of staves connected by a brace/extra
; an arbitrary non-pair entry is interpreted as a single staff
(apply append (map (lambda (entry)
(if (pair? entry)
((equal? (car entry) 'brace)
(list (cons 'SystemStartBrace
(make-n-copies 'staff (cdr entry)))))
((equal? (car entry) 'extraBracket)
(list (cons 'SystemStartBracket
(make-n-copies 'staff (cdr entry)))))
(make-n-copies 'some-staff (cdr entry))))
setBraces = #(define-music-function (group-list) (list?) #{
\set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiterHierarchy =
#(make-delimiter-hierarchy group-list)
\new StaffGroup \with {
\setBraces #'((extraBracket . 2) skip skip (brace . 3))
} <<
\new Staff = "Staff_violinI" \with { instrumentName = #"Violin I" } { a }
\new Staff = "Staff_violinII" \with { instrumentName = #"Violin II" }
{ a }
\new Staff = "Staff_viola" \with { instrumentName = #"Viola" } { a }
\new Staff = "Staff_cello" \with { instrumentName = #"Cello" } { a }
\new Staff = "Staff_bassd" \with { instrumentName = #"Double Bass" }
{ a }
\new Staff = "Staff_basst" \with { instrumentName = #"Triple Bass" }
{ a }
\new Staff = "Staff_bassq" \with { instrumentName = #"Quadruple Bass"
} { a }
As suggested by David, it would be then enough "user-level" and complete to
be documented, don't you think?
I'm afraid the threshold for additions to the set of "stock" functions
shipped with Lilypond is quite high (regarding quality of code,
bug-freeness, robustness, universality etc.). Maybe one could turn this
into a snippet, but I've never done this.
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