
I have a custom \path markup, implemented as an event function.

This works well, but when I add a slur I don't manage to get it to behave it properly. What I want is to print the vertical lines and then outside the slur, just like with the staccatissimo. But there will first be the slur and then the "articulation". So far I haven't found out how to manage that. avoid-slur doesn't seem to have any effect, and when I override outside-staff-priority I only get to a point where the two lines are incorrectly aligned vertically.

Any suggestions how I can print these lines like an ordinary articulation?



\version "2.19.82"

indicator =
#(define-event-function ()()
     \tweak X-offset 0.75
     -\markup \path #0.17 #'((moveto 0 0) (lineto 0 0.75))

\relative {
  %\override TextScript.avoid-slur = #'inside
  d''4 e8 [ ^\indicator ( e ] ^\indicator )
  d8 [ -. ( d ] -. )


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