Hi, is it possible to identify the beats on each different timing
automatically, in order to set a different color for strong, medium and
weak beats ?
something like
\coloredBeats <color_for_strong_beat> <color_for_medium_beat>
<color_for_weak_beat> (black as default)
For example, the expected output for
\score {
\new Staff {
\coloredBeats #red #green #black
\time 2/4 a4 b |
\time 3/4 a4 b c |
\time 4/4 a4 b c d |
\time 6/8 f8 g a b c d
would be equivalent to:
strongBeat = {
\override NoteHead.color = #red
\override Stem.color = #red
mediumBeat = {
\override NoteHead.color = #green
\override Stem.color = #green
weakBeat = {
\override NoteHead.color = #black
\override Stem.color = #black
\score {
\new Staff {
\time 2/4 \strongBeat a4 \weakBeat b |
\time 3/4 \strongBeat a4 \mediumBeat b \weakBeat c |
\time 4/4 \strongBeat a4 \weakBeat b \mediumBeat c \weakBeat d |
\time 6/8 \strongBeat f8 \mediumBeat g \weakBeat a \strongBeat b
\mediumBeat c \weakBeat d
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