Hi Helge,
I want to save typing and it's tedious to write the complete tweak each
time. But the Y size must be adapted each time. Therefore a function is
necessary to change the current required value that is 6 in the example.
I've experimented with define-markup-command and define-music-function
by GUILE always outputs errors.
makeSpace = #(define-event-function (size) (number?)
-\tweak #'stencil #(ly:make-stencil '() '(0 . 0.1) `(0
. ,size) ) _""
upper = \relative c'' {
c1 \makeSpace 10
The two man points being:
- use define-event-function instead of define-music-function
- use a quasiquote ` instead of the quote ' for the pair (0 . [size]),
since size must be evaluated, hence unquoted by a comma (,size).
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