On Tue 25 Sep 2018 at 14:34:37 (+0200), 70147pers...@telia.com wrote: > On 2018-09-24 at 01:02, David Wright wrote:
> > That's adds a lot of complexity. I prefer a simpler approach: > > > > %% > > \version "2.18.2" > > > > A = \relative g' { g2 g( g g) g g g g } > > n = \lyricmode { "" } > > > > Txt = \lyricmode { Ah Ah __ \n _ Ah Ah } > > > > \score { \A \addlyrics { \Txt } \layout {} } > > > > nbsp = \markup \char ##x00A0 % safer alternative than the literal char > > (which does work) > > n = \lyricmode { \nbsp } > > > > Txt = \lyricmode { Ah Ah __ \n _ Ah Ah } > > > > \score { \A \addlyrics { \Txt } \layout {} } > > %% > > > > The first method can emit warning messages so I use the second, > > defined in a library \include. > > > > You only need one melisma stopper, and I then use _ for subsequent notes as > > > > … a melisma __ \n > > \repeat unfold 83 _ > > Next lyric … > > > > is so tidy, and easily edited. > David: Already after testing Simon's method the thoughts started in my > head, that I ought to search for a non printable control character, > but then it dealt with the original ASCII characters (the interval hex > 0x00 to 0x1F). Indeed I was not aware of the special character you > use. But it works perfect, and I have not noticed any unwanted side > effects. If you write, say, word. __ _ _ \repeat unfold 83 \n you might find that systems which are filled with only \n lyrics take a little more vertical space than word. __ _ _ \n \repeat unfold 82 _ or word. __ _ _ \n \repeat unfold 82 " " do (where the wordless systems are filled with blank space). This annoys me because I have to print music on Letter paper after being used to the taller A4 size, so every little bit counts. > So that is the way I will chose. The last lines in your > message, starting with "You only need one melisma stopper" I do not > fully understand, but the method you describe before that is crystal > clear. However, if you write word. __ _ _ \repeat unfold 83 _ instead of the above, you get an 85 syllable lyric extension, of course. The "melisma stopper" is the single "\n" that follows the "__ _ _" and terminates the desired 2 syllable lyric extension by assigning an (invisible) lyric to the next syllable. My definition of \n uses Unicode's "no-break space" character. Why so many repeated blank syllables? I typeset a lot of songs that are in 4-part harmony much of the time, but with cadences etc where the "backing" voices need extra words that the tune doesn't; this sort of thing: "altotext" is for the tune: Re -- mem -- ber the days, the old vaude -- ville craze, when we were the best on the show, __ … "sopranofrag" has those extra snippets: \repeat unfold 17 _ best on the show, \n \repeat unfold 36 _ old rou -- tine, \n … and the score is my standard one for this genre, which looks like: \book { \bookOutputSuffix "2staves" \score { \transpose f f \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = stop << \new Voice { \clef treble \global } \new Voice { \accident \voiceOne \soprano } \addlyrics \with { alignAboveContext = stop } { \sopranofrag } \new Voice { \accident \voiceTwo \alto } \addlyrics { \altotext } >> \new Staff = sbottom << \new Voice { \clef "bass^8" \global } \new Voice { \accident \voiceOne \tenor } \addlyrics \with { alignAboveContext = sbottom } { \tenorfrag } \new Voice { \accident \voiceTwo \bass } \addlyrics { \bassfrag } >> >> \layout { } } } Cheers, David. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user