First of all, there is normally no reason to run the lilypond command from the command line in Cygwin, you can simply double-click on the .ly file in Windows, as described on the downloads web page.
If you still want to run from the command line, you just have to know that the Cygwin command prompt brings you to your cygwin home folder, which is located at C:\cygwin\home\<yourloginname>\, so either you move the file to that folder or change working directory. For more information on Cygwin, see or any introductory text on UNIX/LINUX.
Chris Fresolone wrote:
Hello! I was just told about lilypond yesterday, and
so I wanted to try it out today. I'm at the point
where I'm running the cygwin program (I'm in winXP),
and I've created the file, but I can't seem to
open it. I type in lilypond, but it always
gives me the error message "can't find test" I've
saved it to the desktop and another one to the C:
drive, and I even tried entering lilypond c:test. All
to no avail.
I'm sure there is something pretty simple I'm missing here. Can you help me out?
Thanks so much! Chris Fresolone
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