On 08.09.2018 22:23, Mátyás Seress wrote:
\score {
    \relative c'' {
        \time 3/8
        g4. \grace { fis16 g }

I'm running 2.18.2.
As you can see in the attachment, the grace notes which according to the manual "take up no additional logical time in a measure" apparently do so.

Maybe it’s worth elaborating a little. The grace notes do indeed take up no logical time, but the previous note still fills all of the previous bar, and the grace notes are placed before the beginning of the next bar, after the barline of course, because – imagine a note followed. \afterGrace is technically a whole different kind of thing, at least in its current implementation. It’s a simple music function described here <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/available-music-functions#index-afterGrace>, and what it does at a lower level is something like
\context Bottom <<
  { s4.*3/4 \grace { fis16 g } }
i.e. the grace notes are inserted in a simultaneous music expression within the same Voice context. In case you want to have a look at the source code: <http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git;a=blob;f=ly/music-functions-init.ly;h=bf6b84185c4ffd0980e1c3370e567eb30d373d0f;hb=HEAD#l58>

HTH, Simon

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