2018-08-21 10:17 GMT+02:00 Stefan Thomas <kontrapunktste...@gmail.com>:
> Dear community,
> I have a problem with the placement of accents in the following example.

The accent is pushed upwards?

> I know it has to do with the layout-block of ekmel.ily, but I don't know,
> how to restore the normal behavior.
> Here is my example:
>> \version "2.18.2"
>> \include"ekmel.ily"
>> Music = {    \tuplet 5/4 { as''16 ->  \mf f''8 as'' ->  }  \tuplet 5/4 {
>> f''16 g''8 r }  r2 }
>> \score { \new Staff { \Music } }
> The file ekel.ily can be found at
> http://www.ekmelic-music.org/software/ekmelily-1.10.zip
> Thanks for Your help!
> Stefan

It's probably because the Ekmelos-accidentals are wider than the default.
In your example stencil-extent in X-axis is (0.0 . 1.05844251968504)
Wile default would be (-0.12001 . 0.800004)
Though, I'm not a font expert, can't say more...

Additionally the ekmel-accidentals extents are boxes, whereas with the
default accidentals skylines are more tight, see attached png
Not sure how to get this right.

Nevertheless your example can be fixed with
\override Staff.AccidentalPlacement.right-padding = 0.25
default is 0.15

Some other remarks:

You likely know it does not compile with recent 2.19.xx versions,
because the `parser`-argument is unnecessary in 2.19. for
`ly:parser-set-note-names` and `ly:parser-include-string`

Since guile-2.2.3 the construct
(if (not (defined? ...)
    (define ... ...))
returns an error:
"definition in expression context, where definitions are not allowed,"

Instead one could do:
    (module-define! (current-module) ... ...)
    (ly:parser-define! ... ...)

Not sure what we should recommend.

Ofcourse (2) can be ignored as long as you don't try to compile
lilypond yourself with this guile-version.

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