Joseph Srednicki wrote
> I have just encountered the situation where the manual-change bracket is
> colliding with an accidental. See the example included below.
> Do any members of this list have any suggestions to resolve this
> situation?

Hi Joe,

The manual-change bracket is nothing but a TextScript markup. TextScript
markups can be shifted around without disturbing the overall spacing by
setting the extra-offset property.
In this case (I suppose the "Ch" belongs to the bracket and should be
shifted, too), you can easily adapt the extra-offset property as needed:

  <e, g>4 
  \once\override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-1 . 0)
  <ds b'>^\ch^\markup\openBracket #17 <e a>\trill g8. [ fs16 ] |

If just the bracket (without the "Ch") has to be shifted, you might use the
\tweak command (restricted to the bracket):

   <e, g>4 <ds b'>^\ch-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-1 . 0)^\markup\openBracket
#17 <e a>\trill g8. [ fs16 ] |



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