I have searched the archive and found an entry which should work but when I
try it it doesn't. I must have misunderstood something along the line and it
may be about definitions.


I have a  group staff containing five parts. By default I get on one page
two "lines" of five staves. There is little space between the groups but a
lot of space below the second group. I am seeking to place these two more
evenly on the page.


My reading of the manuals led me to :-

Properties of the StaffGrouper grob

StaffGrouper properties are typically adjusted with an \override at the
StaffGroup level (or



The distance between consecutive staves within the current staff-group. The

staff-staff-spacing property of an individual staff's VerticalAxisGroup grob

can be overriden with different spacing settings for that staff.


The distance between the last staff of the current staff-group and the staff

below it in the same system, even if one or more non-staff lines (such as

exist between the two staves. Does not apply to the bottom staff of a
system. The

staff-staff-spacing property of an individual staff's VerticalAxisGroup grob

can be overriden with different spacing settings for that staff.



% First Score block

% -----------------------------------------------------------

\score { 


\layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 25) }

  \new StaffGroup \with {   \override
StaffGrouper.staffgroup-staff-spacing.basic-distance = #10   } 


         \new Staff = AStave


               \set Staff.instrumentName = "Flt1"

               \new Voice = "F1" {    \include "Line1_M1.ly" }



       \new Staff = BStave


               \set Staff.instrumentName = "Flt2" 

                 \new Voice = "F2" {  \include "Line2_M1.ly" }



       \new Staff = CStave


               \set Staff.instrumentName = "Clt3A"

                \new Voice = "C3" {    \include "Line3A_M1.ly" \]



       \new Staff = DStave


                \set Staff.instrumentName = "Clt3B"

                \new Voice = "C4" {    \include "Line3B_M1.ly" }


     \new Staff = EStave


                \set Staff.instrumentName = "Clt4"

                \new Voice = "C5" {  \include "Line4_M1.ly" }




}  %end of score block


    \header {  mycustomtext = \markup { \xSurname \xtitle " -" \xinstrument

                      piece =\markup {\fill-line {    \column {
\center-column {   \fontsize #5 \bold \xmovI } } } }



     } % end of header 

} %end of bookpart block



However this must be incorrect since any value in   \override
StaffGrouper.staffgroup-staff-spacing.basic-distance = #n   has the same
result ie no effect.

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