Am 21.07.2018 um 08:55 schrieb Thomas Morley:
2018-07-21 5:08 GMT+02:00 Patrick Karl <>:

The to-barline property
I have a couple of questions about this section.  The first is, why would
the default setting for to-barface be true?
Afaik, we do so to follow the usual type-setting-rules.
I could be wrong here, though. I don't own Gould

Gould (p. 105) says: "It is neatest ifa  hairpin that terminates at the beginning of a bar stops short of the barline, since the space between the barline and the subsequent first beat has no time value (bars 1-3). However, it is helpful to extend a hairpint to a first beat that is some distance after a barline, to show continuity (bars 4-6).

The example given matches LilyPon's output of the following file:

\paper {
  ragged-last = ##f

\relative {
  \time 2/4
  a' \< e'
  e, \f \> c
  g'2 \p
  \override = ##f
   f4 \< bes
  \time 3/4
 <gis b>2
  \f \> c,4
  \time 2/4
  es2 \p

which seems correct to me. The first three bars' default behaviour matches the description, and the - optional - result of the remaining three bars is achieved by overriding the default.


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