In short: - Open the Cygwin shell - Move your MIDI file to the cygwin home folder: C:\cygwin\home\<yourloginname>\ - Run the command: midi2ly myfile.midi
However, read the 4th paragraph at You will probably find it more convenient to write the .ly file yourself, for example using Jedit as the editor, see
George Whitfield wrote:
I am trying to convert a midi file into a printable score using Lilypond 2.4 in Windows XP.
Do I have to use the Cygwyn Bash Shell or is it possible to write a .ly routine in my text editor? Whichever, I would be grateful if you could show me an example as clarification. I have tried invoking midi2ly in the Cygwin Bash Shell but keep getting error messages.
George Whitfield
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