Hi David,

you are right, of course - here it is:

\version "2.19.35"

#(define mydrums '(
 (bassdrum              default         #f              -3)
 (snare                 default         #f              1)
 (hihat                 cross           #f              1)

\score {
  \new DrumStaff {
    \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
    \new DrumVoice \drummode {
      sn4 sn4 sn4 sn4
      sn4 sn4 sn4 sn4

The improvisation switch works well if one comments out the \set ... line.

Apart from that, I've played around with the whole issue and noticed that percussion "pitches" which are not included in the table definition still react to the \improvisationOn/Off directive. So my workaround for the time being is: using one of the percussions which I don't need for the score for the improvisation parts. It only needs to look good, and that it does, as usually ...

Thanks and have a good night,

Am 10.07.18 um 22:54 schrieb David Kastrup:
Robert Schmaus <robert.schm...@web.de> writes:

Dear Ponderers,

I'm setting up a custom drumStyleTable as described in the
documentation here:

So far, so good, but I've noticed that \improvisationOn/Off seems to
stop working with the custom table in use. Does anyone know of way to
keep this working?


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