> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Reilly Farrell <reillycfarr...@gmail.com>
> To: lilypond-user <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 23:37:20 -0700
> Subject: chord names - C Delta 7 chord?
> Hi All,
> I'm looking for a solution for printing a C Delta 7 chord name (so that 7
> prints clearly after the delta symbol).


Is there a simple way of modifying chord names in the \chords field with
> markup text?  More specifically, I'm looking for a way to print C7alt as a
> chord name (with alt printing clearly after the 7), and I'm having some
> trouble figuring out the syntax.
> \version "2.18.2"
> \score {
> <<
> \relative c' {
> c4 c c c |
> }
> \chords {
> c1:alt.7
> }
> >>
> \layout{}
> \midi{}
> }
> Any assistance is appreciated.  Thank you!
\version "2.18.2"

songNotes = \relative c'' { c4 c c c | d d d d | c c c c }

songChords = \chordmode {
%  Regarding this input syntax, this is weird, but it works.
%  Weird because it implies that all 7th chords are dominants,
%  with major 7ths being an alteration of raising the lowered 7th to its
normal degree.
c1:7.7+ |

%  However, you can also enter a major 7 in this way.
%  Note that all these notations collapse to the same thing:
%  a set of pitches, which is transposed to C and then looked up in the
chord name "exceptions".
d1:maj7 |

%  Since "alt" does not have a clear definition, you will have to spell out
%  notes in the chord (or, if it is a chord with another known name, use
that name)

%  Here, I'm making an assumption that "alt' could be
%  an augmented 7th chord with a #9

%  Here is where you define your custom chord names
%  While there are a variety of tweaks you can accomplish using builtins
%      set majorSevenSymbol = \markup { j7 }
%  However, all of these are unformatted, so they will look bad until you
tweak their size and positioning.
\include "english.ly"
myChordNames = {

% Major 7
<c e g b>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " " \triangle ##f }
\normalsize 7 } }

% Augmented 7 #9: one guess as to what an "alt" chord would be
<c e g-sharp b-flat d-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 7 }
\raise #1.2 { \teeny " " \tiny "alt" } }

%   Here is where you apply your chord names to the "exceptions"
myChordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions
myChordNames #t) ignatzekExceptions)

% Default
\score {
\new ChordNames \chordmode {

% Modified
\score {
               %  Here is where you apply the "exceptions" for chord names
to your chords.
\new ChordNames \chordmode {
\set chordChanges = ##t \set chordNameExceptions = #myChordExceptions

You're welcome to use my chord names file, which might be helpful if you
use the symbols for all
types of chords,



Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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