Am 03.07.2018 um 18:47 schrieb Zone Dremik:
After a recent upgrade to my computer, the function that links music notes (and 
lyrics) in the PDF viewer, to the text in the Lilypond files, has stopped 

The ability to click on notes and lyrics in the preview screen, and have the 
exact point highlighted in the corresponding Lilypond file was so enormously 
useful, that the loss of this function has become a great barrier to efficient 
use of the program.

I am using Lilypond Version 2.18.2-1
Apple Macintosh System 10.11.6
Apple Preview Version 8.1 (877.7)

Nothing has changed in lilypond 2.18.2-1, you have to configure your system to 
handle the textedit links lilypond inserts in the pdf.

Be aware of the fact that lilypond-invoke-editor, the script that handles 
textedit links in lilypond, is insecure.
The problem has been fixed in recent versions of lilypond.


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