Hello Zon
Il giorno mar 3 lug 2018 alle 18:47, Zone Dremik
<dremik_z...@yahoo.com> ha scritto:
After a recent upgrade to my computer, the function that links music
notes (and lyrics) in the PDF viewer, to the text in the Lilypond
files, has stopped working.
Which text editor are you using?
How did you set your system to enable point-and-click? In other words,
what's the command you assigned to the EDITOR or LYEDITOR variables?
(this page was changed recently, but the change has not been released
The ability to click on notes and lyrics in the preview screen, and
have the exact point highlighted in the corresponding Lilypond file
was so enormously useful, that the loss of this function has become a
great barrier to efficient use of the program.
I am using Lilypond Version 2.18.2-1
Apple Macintosh System 10.11.6
Apple Preview Version 8.1 (877.7)
We need to know the text editor you want to use.
I tried to look through the user-forums, but could not find the right
search terms to describe this function.
(Should this post be sent to Lilypond_Bugs instead?)
This is the correct list for this question.
lilypond-user mailing list