Hi folks!
I've looked through the manual, and I've tried putting the \remove command in everywhere it looks as if it should go, with no success. I use 2.2.2, and would like to remove the time signature in the piece I've copied below. Can anybody help on where to put that? Or what else to use?
Gordon Gilbert
+=====================================================+ | Angels' Roost Farm | | Rev. Dn. Gordon Gilbert & Susan Gilbert | | 705-549-5056 | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | +=====================================================+
\header { filename = "PsalmTune.ly" enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert" composer = "Gordon Gilbert 1968, 2004" poet = "" date="tr. Mary Byrne; versified by Eleanor Hull 1927" title = "Psalm Tune" metre = "" meter = \metre copyright = "Gordon Gilbert 2005" style = "tune" mutopiacomposer = \composer mutopiapoet=\poet maintainer = "Gordon Gilbert" maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" lastupdated = "2005/Jan/6" }
\version "2.2.2"
global=\notes { \time 2/2 \key g \major \skip 1*3 \bar "||" \skip 1*4 \bar "||" \skip 1*3 \bar "||" \skip 1*4 \bar "||"
} %shorthand for Skip Lyric sl = \notes { \skip 4 }
sop = \context Voice = "sop" \notes { \voiceOne g'1 | d''2 b' | g'1 fis'1| e'2 d'| e' g' a'1 d'' | e''2 b' | a'1 d'| e'2 fis' | g' a' | g'1 }
alto = \context Voice = "alto" \notes {
d'1 |
fis'2 fis' |
d' |
c'2 b |
c' e' |
fis' |
gis'2 e' |
d' |
c'2 d' |
e' fis' |
d'1 }
tenor = \context Voice = "tenor" \notes {
b1 |
a2 a |
a |
g2 g |
a b |
d' |
b2 gis |
g |
g2 a |
b c' |
b1 }
bass = \context Voice = "bass" \notes {
g1 |
fis2 d |
d |
c2 b, |
a, e |
b |
e2 b, |
b, |
c2 c |
e d |
g,1 }
accomp=\chords {
\score { \notes \context ChoirStaff << \context ChordNames \accomp \unset ChoirStaff.melismaBusyProperties \context Staff ="upper" \notes { \clef "G" << \global \sop \alto >>}
\context Staff = "lower" \notes { \clef "F"<< \global \tenor \bass >>}
>> \paper{ indent = 0.0\pt \context { \ChordNamesContext \override ChordName #'style = #'american chordChanges = ##t } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 120 } }
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