On 2018-06-26 16:02, Karlin High wrote:
On 6/26/2018 5:41 PM, Aaron Hill wrote:
So is the only option, then, to just dive into the code at this point?
Have you seen this post by Stéfano Troncaro?
I had not, though that seems a good starting point for the edition
engraver in particular. Thanks!
That said, what I was seeking was information about openLilyLib itself.
How is the project structured? What services does oll-core provide to
packages/modules? Basically, if I were to come up with an idea for an
extension to LilyPond, how would I best evaluate whether openLilyLib
would make a good platform on which to build and how would I go about
integrating it?
Since I tend to learn best by example and experimentation, I am
perfectly content with cracking open the source for existing
packages/modules; but I did not want to overlook any useful design
documentation or implementation guides.
-- Aaron Hill
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