On Mon 25 Jun 2018 at 21:03:34 (-0400), crimsonsunr...@protonmail.com wrote:
> -------- Mensagem Original --------
> Ativo 25 de jun de 2018 16:51, David Wright escreveu:
> On Mon 25 Jun 2018 at 14:25:18 (-0400), crimsonsunr...@protonmail.com wrote:
> > (version statement omitted, as the bug happens in both stable and unstable)
> > multiQuote = \relative c''
> > {
> > > { \voiceOne c4 d e f } \\ { \voiceTwo a4 b c e }
> > >>
> > }
> >
> > singleQuote = \relative c''
> > {
> > bis4 c d e |
> > }
> >
> > main = \relative c'
> > {
> > c1 |
> > d1 |
> > \new CueVoice { \multiQuote }
> > a1 |
> > \new CueVoice { \singleQuote }
> > }
> > ================================
> > Despite CueVoice setting the font size to -4, this is completely ignored if 
> > your quote is comprised of multiple voices or is part combined or any sort 
> > of polyphony. Overriding the font size also produces no effect.
> Try:

[I wonder where my << disappeared to.]

> \new CueVoice { \Quotea }
> \new CueVoice { \Quoteb }
> >>
> Not sure I understand where I do that. Is it inside the quote? Inline with 
> the regular part? Do I create other cue voices inside the multi one?

I would imagine that by placing { } \\ { } in your CueVoice, you've
created two new voices that are merely Voices, not CueVoices. (Others
might correct me.) Anyway, I've attached a modified example in which I've
. corrected the pitch of voiceTwo in your snippet,
. deleted   main =,
. added a rest to represent what the main part is playing
  during the first cue.

multiQuote = \relative c'' {
    { \voiceOne c4 d e f } \\
    { \voiceTwo a,4 b c e }

singleQuote = \relative c'' {
  bis4 c d e |

\relative c' {
  c1 |
  d1 |
  \new CueVoice { \multiQuote }
  a1 |
  \new CueVoice { \singleQuote }

Quotea = \relative c'' {
  \voiceOne c4 d e f

Quoteb = \relative c'' {
  \voiceTwo a4 b c e

singleQuote = \relative c'' {
  bis4 c d e |

\relative c' {
  c1 |
  d1 |
    \new CueVoice { \Quotea }
    \new CueVoice { \Quoteb }
    \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #-4 R1
  a1 |
  \new CueVoice { \singleQuote }
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