Hello folks,

How can LilyPond be told to display the chords to match the lyrics, i.e. to 
mention that some notes are substracted from the chord?

Thanks for your help!


The code is:


\version "2.19"

P_POne_Staff_One_Voice_One_HARMONY = \chordmode {
  \language "nederlands"
  \compressMMRests {
    \key c \major
    \time 4/4
    \clef "treble"
    c4:5.3.5-^3 c4:maj7.13.6-^15
    \bar "|."

P_POne_Staff_One_Voice_One = \relative c' {
  \language "nederlands"
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4
  \clef "treble"
  c4 c
  \bar "|."

P_POne_Staff_One_Voice_One_Stanza_One = \lyricmode {
  "Cmajor-3+5b"4 "Cmajor-13th-1-5+6b"4

\score {

    \context ChordNames = "P_POne_Staff_One_Voice_One_HARMONY"

    \new Staff = "P_POne_Staff_One"
    \with {
      instrumentName = "MusicXML Part"
      \context Voice = "P_POne_Staff_One_Voice_One" <<
      \new Lyrics
      \with {
        associatedVoice = "P_POne_Staff_One_Voice_One"


  \layout {}


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