With code below as reference, please help me with:
1. Vertical alignment/positioning of bar numbers. In the output the
parenthetical bar number for the anacrusis is higher than the remaining
bar numbers.
a. How can I lower it, and how can I raise the others? Are there
commands that would automatically ensure that all are at the same
vertical position?
b. Not as important: is there a way to raise/lower any given bar
number independently?
2. Full control over horizontal alignment of bar numbers. I (think I)
want the bar number for the anacrusis to appear just right of the clef.
I found commands that change the object its aligned to, but none of
those positions were satisfactory. How can move it horizontally exactly
where I want it? Not as important: Is the procedure different for other
individual bar numbers?
3. Changing bar number text. Can I change the text for the anacrusis
bar number to something other than "(1)"? Like "0" or "pickup"? Not as
important: Is that also possible for any arbitrary bar number?
I can't find instructions on how to include or post example output so
I've taken a chance and embedded an image of the output below after the
Thank you,
Steve Cummings
% please note that this example "omits" the SystemStartBar, in case part
of the solution to #2 involves choosing an object to which to align the
bar number to.
\version "2.19.48"
\score {
\new StaffGroup
\new staff {
\time 2/4
\bar ""
\partial 8
r8 | % 0
a'8 r8 r4 | % 1
b'8 c'8 r4 | % 2
\new staff {
\time 2/4
\bar ""
\partial 8
b'8 | % 0
r4 e'8 d'8 | % 1
r4 r8 g'8 | % 2
\layout {
\context {
\omit SystemStartBar
\override BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t4f/)
\override BarNumber.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
\override BarNumber #'break-align-symbols = #'(staff-bar clef)
% #'(left-edge)
\override BarNumber.font-size = #0.35
barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible
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