2018-06-11 4:17 GMT+02:00 dfro <d...@umich.edu>:
> A P.S. to my beginner musings:
> Perhaps, the VerticalAxisGroup stretchability variable could be adjusted in
> its behavior, so that when it is at 0, no bounding box/skyline safeguards
> are considered for the nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing property at all - the
> 'text baseline to staff center' relationship would be rigid with no
> stretching/shifting for any reason. If someone wants to use negative padding
> numbers to vertically place a lyric line up into a staff so that it clashes
> with objects, and also sets stretchability to 0, then so be it. (That could
> also apply to any of the other spacing properties: nonstaff-nonstaff,
> nonstaff-unrelatedstaff, etc.) I think that would make my situation work, if
> the developers deem it worthy of consideration. To my beginner observations,
> stretchability = 0 does not mean no stretchability, at the moment.
> This is assuming I am not missing or misunderstanding something that is
> described in the extensive documentation. (Today, I found documentation on
> how to contribute to the documentation. LilyPond is an amazing project!)
> Peace,
> David

Meanwhile I think the whole flexible vertical spacing engine is not
would you want.
It's _flexible_, you want to iron spacing, iiuc.

So don't use it and set spacing manually.
I.e. make all nonstaffs treated as staffs (staff-affinity = ##f) and use
One parameter is alignment-distances, taking a list of values.
More in NR.


some-rhythms = \relative b' {
  b4 b8 b8 b4 b4 | b4 b8 b8 b2 \break
  b4 b8 b8 b4 b4 | b4 b8 b8 b2 \break

some-lyrics = \lyricmode {
  Here are some \markup \center-column { \char ##x2193 low } words;
  some ve -- ry
  \markup \scale #'(1 . 2) TALL.

  Here are some \markup \center-column { \char ##x2193 low } words;
  some ve -- ry
  \markup \scale #'(1 . 2) TALL.

\score {
        \new ChordNames \chordmode { \repeat unfold 8 c2:7 }
        \new Staff
          \with {
            \omit Clef
            \omit TimeSignature
            \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #1
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto "" \some-lyrics
  \layout {
    ragged-right = ##t
    indent = 0

    \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-system-details =
     #'((alignment-distances . (4 5)))

    \context {
      \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = ##f
    \context {
      \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = ##f


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