On 2018-06-09 13:32, Karim Haddad wrote:
Dear List,

I have warnings when used along with a skip secondary voice used for
dynamics and including tuplets.
here is a minimal example :

\version "2.19.80"

one = { r4 c'2.~ | c'1 | c'2 r2 | }
dyn = { s4 s2. \< | s4 \tuplet 3/2 {s4 \! \> s8} s2 | s2 s2 \! |}

\score {
\new Staff {
  << \one \dyn >>

Although they are only warnings and it works good for me, but i am
wondering if i am doing something wrong and if there is a way to avoid
these warnings.

Hi Karim,

It would seem Dynamics by default omits TupletBrackets and results in no warnings:

  \score { << \new Staff \one \new Dynamics \dyn >> }

If you cannot use Dynamics, another option is to manually adjust the skip durations without using \tuplet or \times:

  dyn = { s4 s2. \< | s4 s4*2/3 \! \> s8*2/3 s2 | s2 s2 \! |}

-- Aaron Hill

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