Lukas Giesinger wrote:
> Riky VDB wrote:
> > I've been trying to run the test file of lilypond 2.2. It has generated an 
> > error.
> > It seems feta20.afm was not installed properly. However, I've found 
> > 'feta20.afm' in foliowing directory : 
> > C:\cygwin\usr\share\lilypond\2.4.2\fonts
> Exactly the same problem here, on Windows ME.

I hate to mention the obvious thing, but did you run the lilypond
setup script?  They're called "lilypond-login" or "lilypond-profile"
and they are in the buildscripts/out directory.  You only need to use
one of them, although I don't know which one is appropiate for Cygwin.

> Also, the installation process stopped at 98% of the setup. The progress 
> dialog read:
> "Running...
> No package
> /etc/postinstall/"
> However, after I manually cancelled the setup I got a "setup complete" 
> message.

If it's working properly, then I personally wouldn't sweat about it.
I have that file on my machine, but I never used it, so I'm guessing
it's a Cygwin-specific thing.

> Another question: For a Windows installation, do I need to manually install 
> the ec*-fonts? On the download site it says I need to but I couldn't figure 
> out what ec* files to choose or how to install them on Windows.

There's a cygwin directory inside the tar.gz files that has all the
information you need.

(- Steve Dickinson -)
See my site:
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