I'm wondering if there's any comprehensive write-up about the components of make-engraver available anywhere.

So far all my (rather few) engravers have been simply based on a template provided by someone else, but I would be really glad to become more independent about that.

I understand that a (Scheme) engraver is a lambda function that is passed a context, and that it (usually, always?) returns an object created with (make-engraver).

I further see that within make-engraver one defines a (subset of a) number of different elements (initialize, process-music etc.) that will then process the given context at different stages of the compilation process. I have also read the docstring of make-engraver in scm/output-lib.scm.

However, it is still unclear to me what exactly the different elements that can be defined in make-engraver are doing, in what order they are called, which information they are passed and what the "results" of these calls are.

Rather than having to resort to browsing through the LSR and getting the information by guessing from existing engravers I would really like to see this properly explained somewhere, either in a comprehensive tutorial or - better - in the official documentation.

Did I just not find that or is that actually missing information?


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