I tried to post something along these lines a couple of weeks ago, but it did not go through. I hope I am doing this right. Been a long time since I've used a mailing list. :)
I am trying to build a library of functions for handbell choir music. The first thing I attempted was how to show a shake. It sort of looks like a trill mark, but the squiggly line is at the level of the note being played. I'm hoping that I can just make a script that does all of this for me, but the fact that I had to nudge the invisible notehead over by hand has me worried that this might not be possible. If there's an easier way to do this, please let me know, especially if it gets rid of all the clash warning messages. Maybe something like faking the landing note of the gliss? Thanks, Rick \version "2.18.2" sk = \markup \bold "Sk" \new Staff = "topBells" { << \new Voice = "descant" { \voiceOne \relative c''' { g4.^\sk f8 e2 r4 <g g,> <c c,>2^\sk g8 c, a' c, } } \new Voice = "melody" { \voiceTwo \relative c'' { <d d,>4 <d d,> c2 r4. d,8 e4 r e f } } >> } \new Staff = "secondTry" { << \new Voice = "descant" { \voiceOne \override Glissando.style = #'trill \relative c''' { g4. \glissando f8 e2 r4 <g g,> <c c,>2 \glissando g8 c, a' c, } } \new Voice = "melody" { \voiceTwo \relative c'' { <d d,>4 <d d,> c2 r4. d,8 e4 r e f } } >> } \new Staff = "thirdTry" { << \new Voice = "descant" { \voiceOne \relative c''' { << {g4.^\sk f8} \new Voice { \override Glissando.style = #'trill \hideNotes g4. \glissando g8 } >> e2 r4 <g g,> << { <c c,>2^\sk g8 } \new Voice { \override Glissando.style = #'trill \hideNotes <c c,>2 \glissando c8 } >> c, a' c, } } \new Voice = "melody" { \voiceTwo \relative c'' { <d d,>4 <d d,> c2 r4. d,8 e4 r e f } } >> } \new Staff = "fourthTry" { << \new Voice = "descant" { \voiceOne \override Glissando.style = #'trill \relative c''' { << {g4.^\sk f8} \new Voice { \override Glissando.style = #'trill \hideNotes \voiceOne g4. \glissando \voiceTwo \once \override NoteHead.X-offset = #1.4 g8 } >> e2 r4 <g g,> << { <c c,>2^\sk g8 } \new Voice { \override Glissando.style = #'trill \hideNotes <c c,>2 \glissando <c c,>8 } >> c, a' c, } } \new Voice = "melody" { \voiceTwo \relative c'' { <d d,>4 <d d,> c2 r4. d,8 e4 r e f } } >> }
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