
> I tested this on 2.18.2, 2.19.48 and 2.21.0. None print the crescendo
> or decrescendo haripins, no matter where you put them. It also doesn't
> warn or complain about anything:
> \score{
> {
> \clef "bass"

> }
> Is there a way to make it work?

They aren't ignored as much _on_ chords rather than _in_ chords.  Place
them on the chord as such, like

<\parenthesize f->~ f,~ >2\> <f f, >8\! r8 r4

and you should be fine.  On single notes inside of a chord: that's
outside of the things LilyPond does.  You'd need separate voices then
and apply some more folderol to have the Midi follow suit and just apply
dynamics to one Voice at a time.

David Kastrup

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