Hey Robin! Thank you, this works just fine in this case. What would be really neat now would be the ability to parenthesize entire chordal passages, so with the left half around one chord and the right half around some other chord later on in the music. So like a combination of this function:
startParenthesis = { \once \override ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob) (let ((par-list (parentheses-item::calc-parenthesis-stencils grob))) (list (car par-list) point-stencil ))) } endParenthesis = { \once \override ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob) (let ((par-list (parentheses-item::calc-parenthesis-stencils grob))) (list point-stencil (cadr par-list)))) } And this function: parch = #(define-music-function (parser location gap) (number?) #{ \once \override Arpeggio #'stencil = #(lambda (grob) (ly:stencil-add (ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-slur grob) (ly:stencil-translate-axis (ly:stencil-rotate (ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-slur grob) 180 0 0) gap X))) \once \override Arpeggio #'X-extent = #(lambda (grob) (ly:stencil-extent (ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-slur grob) X)) \once \override Arpeggio #'positions = #(lambda (grob) (interval-widen (ly:arpeggio::calc-positions grob) 0.5)) $(make-music 'EventChord 'elements (list (make-music 'ArpeggioEvent))) #}) Here's a sample of the startParenthesis/endParenthesis in use: \version "2.19.65" startParenthesis = { \once \override ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob) (let ((par-list (parentheses-item::calc-parenthesis-stencils grob))) (list (car par-list) point-stencil ))) } endParenthesis = { \once \override ParenthesesItem.stencils = #(lambda (grob) (let ((par-list (parentheses-item::calc-parenthesis-stencils grob))) (list point-stencil (cadr par-list)))) } \relative c' { \override ParenthesesItem.font-size = #2 c d \startParenthesis \parenthesize e f g a \endParenthesis \parenthesize b c } Any takers? Regards, Brent. On 21 May 2018 at 06:14, Robin Bannister <r...@dabble.ch> wrote: > Brent Annable wrote: > > 2. I would like to parenthesize a couple of two-note chords in the tenor >> part. Has anybody come up with a decent way to put parentheses around >> entire chords yet? I've rummaged around the old threads but can't really >> find anything that fits the bill. >> > > > Maybe you can make do with the \parch function given (at the end of) > https://archiv.lilypondforum.de/index.php/topic,347.msg10786 > /topicseen.html#msg10786 > > Then you would just write > > > > \parch #2.5 <f as>4 \parch #3.7 <bes es,>2. > > > > But this hack doesn't prevent the right bracket colliding with things. > > > Cheers, > Robin >
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